Embedded Linux Device Driver Development

Communicaiton Drivers for Wireless| Network Driver | Linux Driver | Sensor Drivers | BSP
Custom Device Driver Development | Application development | Linux OS customisation | Kernel development

Linux Device Driver Development Services

Argus Embedded Systems is a leader in developing Linux Device Driver Development solutions for various industries and domains. Argus has hands-on experience in modifying and customizing Linux kernel, building device drivers and integrating various peripheral as per requirments. We provide Linux kernel development and linux driver development services including built-in or user-space drivers for required distribution, integrate peripherals,optimize Linux boot time, customize Linux distributions, develop and debug the kernel and various kinds of I/O peripherals and character devices. We have experience in working with the most popular embedded Linux distros including Ubuntu, Yocto, Debian, Buildroot, OpenWrt & Linux Mint.We have developed simple-easy-to-use but complex functionalities interfaces for consumer electronics, computer peripherals, and telecom products.

Our Device Driver software development group comprises of skilled embedded software engineers and developers, who have worked in the latest technologies and platforms across various verticals like Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor, Medical, Defence, Aerospace, Wireless, Automotive, Industrial, Telecom and Networking.

firmware development services

Peripheral integration

  • Our team has expertise in peripheral integration on custom PCB. Below are few of the examples.
  • GSM module/GPS modules.
  • LCD/Touchscreesn
  • Bluetooth/LORA/Wifi module.
  • Pressure Switch
  • pH ,TDS and low Meters
  • TDS, Pressure, pH, Water Level, Temprature, humidity, Lidar ,Gas Sensors
  • Solenoid valve
  • DC pump, Attenuators
  • Coin Acceptor
  • ACF/MMF controller
  • Factional-N Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) 
  • logarithmic amplifiers
  • Digital attenuator
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Kernel module development

  • For some real-time applications interaction with hardware requires access to specific information in the system which can be developed as kernel modules.
  • A kernel module is directly inserted into the Linux kernel and has access to everything in the system and operates at the highest possible speed.
  • This type of Linux kernel module development provides a way to diagnose system issues.

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User-space Linux driver development

  • User-space Linux drivers are used for end-user programs and GUI-based applications.
  • These custom drivers communicates with the custom device through kernel supported functions and are dveleoped as per user requirements.
Embedded software Design

Customizing Linux distros

  • This is genrally required for mission crital projects of defence customers.
  • For custom hardware this will be dedicated OS and only functions which are required as per application will be running on this OS.
  • We can port/upgrade your installation of a distro or make a custom distro as per requirement for you.
embedded software engineer
Optimizing Linux performance

  • Optimization is required for devices which are going through revision change based on performance or costs.
  • We can optimize boot time, RAM, CPU, ROM and Flash memory, network I/O, memory partitions and other components helping you achieve the required level of performance or costs.
embedded software developer
RTOS Porting Services

  • Argus can efficiently port Embedded Linux, DSP BIOS, VxWorks, ThreadX, Nucleus, WinCE, uITRON, Mac OS, etc on your SoCs.
  • Our well-proven porting methodology will substantially reduce your porting time and development costs.
  • We adapt to the mainline code base of a silicon vendor as a reference to provide a stable version of ported BSP.

Looking for Embedded Linux Device Driver Development?

Argus team is available to answer any question related to our embedded software services and solutions.

Argus Systems a globally recognized Electronic System and sub-system Design company with Its Operations in India, USA, UK, Australia supports Its customers for Embedded Software Development, Firmware Development services, Device Driver Development, Embedded Hardware Development and Embedded Systems software Development Requirements.